Set Free Retreat

Find Inner Healing and Freedom!

Set Free Retreat focuses on learning how to deal with the hurts, hang-ups and struggles that we all face, and how to come to a place of freedom inside our hearts. The retreat focuses on listening prayer, confession, seeking inner healing, and learning about the power of the cross.

The cost is $30 which will cover all your meals at the retreat. If you have a food allergy, please contact the church.

Public Registration is now closed for this Retreat, email  if you still want to attend

Friday Saturday
 5:00(pm)- Registration 8:30(am)- Worship
 5:15- Supper 8:45- 3rd Session
 6:00- 1st Session 10:00- Break
 7:30- Break 10:30- 4th Session
 7:45- 2nd Session 11:30- Worship
9:00-9:30 Wrap up 12:00(pm)- Lunch
1:00- 5th Session
2:00- Break
2:15- 6th Session
4:00- 7th Session
5:15- Supper & Testimonies
7:30- Close